I've been here in Paddington now for more years than i care to remember and in that time
the surgery has gained a reputation for being a little unusual in it's presentation and atmosphere.

We are fortunate to meet and treat many very talented and creative people during the course of any working day,
many of whom have provided me with the inspiration to pursue my own creative endeavours.

The walls of the surgery are adorned with artworks showcasing local artists, photographers and sculptors and all the while, music is ever present.
(In time we hope to be be posting links to a number of these people.)
Many local musicians DJs and producers also receive their oral panel beating here and we love hearing and playing their music !!

David Kagan BDS (Syd)
Dental Surgeon

290a Oxford Street
Paddington, NSW 2021

t: +61 2 9360 3299

We endeavour to maintain an interest in the people
we meet here , not just their mouths !!!!
Be that as it may, even a dentist has to make a living, so why not provide a service in a relaxed environment surrounded by beautiful art, seductive rhythms and a big, big bassline.

David Kagan (reception@dubdentist.com.au)